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Welcome on FlatStep, an Almoststatic theme used to build static and dynamic sites with Bootstrap css package.

FlatStep comes after FullStep theme and it aims to solve some issues emerged during development.

The goals of FlatStep are

  • Let easy to build clean and nice static sites
  • Better usage of container and container-fluid Bootstrap classes
  • Thin and versatile integration with Bootstrap components
  • Let easier to derivate themes
  • Let easier to customize widgets with classes and inline style directives.


To achieve our goals, we wrote only a minimum amount of widgets very closed to the Bootstrap components, plus some general propose widgets.

Each widget let you to add classes to all elements of the component, plus has a unique id for each element. This let you to add style where you need. Look at grid examples to see how to simulate the old Jumbotron Bootstrap component.

General propose widgets are widgets widely used to write content or to do some special tasks. See text and semantic, and also divider, style, script and so on.

To handle container Bootstrap classes, in the base page all widgets are within a container-flex div and in each page widgets are included in a fixed container envelope this let to use flex container when needed, see many examples in source code.

But what is a widget?

See the Almoststatic documentation.

But in short, widget is a directive in https://yaml.org/ format which generate a piece of html inserted into your page.